Did You Know | Home Edition 18 July 2023

Should You Sell or Renovate?

Staring at the same wallpaper and pondering if it’s time for a change? 🤔 Here’s a 5-point checklist to help you decide between selling your home or giving it a renovation glow-up:

  1. Cost: Factor in closing and moving costs if you’re selling, and get several quotes if you’re considering a renovation. Which option makes the most financial sense?
  2. Space: If you’re feeling squeezed, remember a kitchen remodel, or new floors won’t add square footage. In that case, moving could be your answer.
  3. Emotional Readiness: Do you feel ready to say goodbye to your current home, or does it still pull at your heartstrings?
  4. Renovation Effect: Sometimes, updating your home before selling can reignite your love for it. Are you ready for that possibility?
  5. Future Steps: Have a game plan. If you do decide to sell, be sure you have a backup plan if your next dream home isn’t readily available.

Whichever route you choose, make sure it aligns with your lifestyle and future goals.

Need help analyzing which route may be best for you? Get in touch and we can go over all your options together.

Sarah Paranych, REALTOR®

Century 21 Bamber